Aperture: “Writing a Legacy Letter,” May 15

Home 9 Events 9 Aperture: “Writing a Legacy Letter,” May 15

May Aperture: “Writing a Legacy Letter,” led by Jay Sherwin

Wednesday, May 15, 7:00pm, Zoom ONLY

Also called an “ethical will,” a Legacy Letter is a written document that allows you to share your life lessons, express your values, and transmit your blessings to future generations. It’s shorter than a memoir, typically just a few pages. Writing one is a rewarding experience that creates an enduring gift for family, friends, and other loved ones. This introductory online workshop includes discussion and writing exercises to help you examine your life history, explore your values, and capture important insights. It offers advice, encouragement, and a model structure to help you draft and complete your own Legacy Letter.

Please note that this Aperture will meet online via Zoom only. If there is enough interest, we hope to schedule a series on this topic in the near future. Please indicate your interest on the registration form. Register now

Jay Sherwin has practiced law, given away money for five charitable foundations, worked as a philanthropy consultant, and served as a hospital chaplain. Drawing on all those experiences, Jay created the “Life Reflections Project” to educate people about legacy letters and ethical wills; he now teaches classes and workshops on legacy writing and helps people craft their own legacy documents. Jay has lived in seven states and two foreign countries and now resides in Portland, Maine. You can read about the “Life Reflections Project” at www.jaysherwin.com.