October is Stewardship Month
Make a Pledge to Support Westminster Church in 2024
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” – Deuteronomy 6:4-5
This well-known scripture has inspired our Month of Stewardship. It is a passage known as “The Shema,” which comes from the Hebrew word “shamar,” meaning “to hear.” It is a prayer shared by Moses in a speech just before the people cross into the land God had promised to them and is considered the most important prayer in the Hebrew Bible.
The Shema reminds the people that God is the only One to be worshipped. And that in response to the God who created the world and sustains it still, we are called to devote all of our living to being a part of God’s work on earth. We are to love with all of our heart and soul and might. We are to wake up in the morning with the praise of God on our lips, teach that love to our children, and seek ways to serve God in every part of our lives: at home, at work, and everywhere in between, every day.
The point is that everything in a person’s life, every moment, opportunity, ability, and capacity, offers a chance to love and honor the One who made us. We have an opportunity to serve and give thanks to God in each decision – how we spend our days, how we interact with people, what time we allocate for certain work, and how we spend the money entrusted to us to support things that matter.
The church relies on the congregation’s annual pledges of giving to provide the financial resources needed to help deepen and expand faith, worship, community, and Christian service to our neighbors. Please prayerfully consider how you can support Westminster’s missions and ministries by making a pledge to give to the church in 2024. You can make your pledge now through your myWPC account (log in first, then activate the link or view these step-by-step instructions) or download a pledge formto fill in and drop off at the church. If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Morgan, church business manager, and she will be happy to assist you. Thank you!