Do Justice • Love Kindness • Walk Humbly
Join us on Sunday!
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Scout Sunday
Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Chris Tuttle
Sundays at WPC
8:15am Nursery Opens
8:30am Worship
9:45am Church School for All Ages
11:00am Worship
5:30pm Youth Group
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
“Grand Friends” Luncheon, February 9
Together in God's Love: A Grand Friends Gathering Sunday, February 9, 12:15 - 1:30, Fellowship Hall Let’s gather with our Grand Friends for a light lunch and time to explore some activities around the theme of love! As God’s family, we continue to strengthen the ties...
Aperture, February 19, 7:00pm
“Who is My Transgender Neighbor. . .Family Member. . . Friend. . . Colleague?” Wednesday, February 19, 7:00pm REGISTER NOW The National Institutes of Health estimates that at least 1 in every 250 persons is transgender. At our February Aperture, we will...
Hurricane Recovery Service Team, Spring 2025
Get More Details Register Now
Explore the Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Luke, Nine-Week Study Led by WPC Pastors Sundays beginning January 26, 9:45-10:45am OR Mondays, beginning January 27, 10:00-11:00am We begin a new year with a new pastor-led Bible Study! In 2025, we follow the Narrative Lectionary’s focus on the gospel...
Serve with Families Moving Forward
Westminster members prepare, serve, and clean up from the meal on the night the community of Families Moving Forward gathers for weekly continued education. Volunteers sign up to bring with them an entree, salad, or dessert to feed 18-20 persons. Arriving at 5:15pm,...
Serve with Emanuel Food Pantry
WPC members join volunteers from congregations across our community to serve each week at Emanuel Food Pantry. This ministry provides large boxes and bags of nutritious and culturally appropriate food to more than 650 families each week. Volunteers work in two-hour...