From generation to generation, Psalm 23 has brought God’s people comfort and reassurance. Many have learned it by heart, calling on the words through times of trouble and in the last season of life. Allow God to speak to you anew through this psalm. Engage with it through memorization, prayer, music, and action.
Learn It By Heart
Memorizing the Psalm is one way to learn “by heart” what God offers us, whether we are in a time of green pastures or walking through the valley. Choose a version that speaks to you. If you have already memorized one version, try another. Consider praying the Psalm daily for a period of time so that it will be there waiting to comfort you in your time of need.
Breath Prayer
Use your breath and the words of Psalm 23 to meditate and center yourself in this scripture. Learn more
Begin with the breath. Focus on your breath using a technique such as this simple 5-5 pattern:
- Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for five seconds, then exhale slowly and fully through your mouth for five seconds. Repeat a few times to focus on the slow and steady rhythm of your breath.
- Now, add in prayer. For a traditional Christian breath prayer, try Psalm 23:1:
- Inhale: Lord, You are my shepherd,
- Exhale: I have all that I need.
- Breathe in deeply as you focus your thoughts on Lord, You are my shepherd.
- Exhale slowly as you focus your thoughts on I have all that I need.
Listen to our Spotify Music Playlist created on the themes of Psalm 23. Listen on the go or find a time of quiet to be enriched by the beauty of this Psalm put to music.
Prayer Doodles
Pray scripture with prayer doodles. Write out a verse a few words at a time. Then, doodle around those words, listening for God’s words to you. This is a great way to soak in a verse deeply – and can also help you memorize it.
Pray in Black and White
Draw your way through the sacred, ancient form of prayer called Lectio Divina – Divine or Sacred Reading in Four Parts.
For Families with Young Children
Nature Scavenger Hunt
Go on a family walk and use Psalm 23 as the basis of your explorations.
Children’s Devotional Storytime
Explore Psalm 23:4 with children using this online storytime resource.
Talk About It
We love this excellent Kids’ Corner resource for parents on kids’ fears and God’s promises.